Getting Zillow emails everyday but still can't find the right home? You're not alone.
In today's challenging low-inventory market, it's difficult to find a home that's the right fit, in the neighborhood you want, and especially one that's within budget. The search then quickly becomes overwhelming when you start considering homes that need more than just a few cosmetic updates.
Here area few tips on how to find the right home, today!
Most people start their real estate search online, but it's easy to feel like you're not getting the full picture. Seeing properties in person is the only way you can truly narrow down the search and get the buying process started. You'll quickly realize which neighborhood, layout, house style, and key features are right for you.
Distinguish between what's necessary and what isn't with this simple checklist. It eliminates homes that are a bad fit, helps you make compromises, helps you act quickly when the right home comes along, and it prevents emotional buying! In the end, it will help you avoid buyer's remorse.
Often people start searching online to gain an understanding of their own home's value. Is this the case with you? If so, I would like to give you an online, no hassle estimate or an in-depth broker price opinion. With today's market, you might be able to afford more than you thought!
Contact me for all your real estate needs, I am here to help you with your real estate needs. Reach out at anytime with questions about the market, neighborhoods, and for a free property evaluation.